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Share your story,
and let others know
they are not alone.


We want to feature your story. Share your story with us so that others know they are not alone. Be a regular contributor, we want to hear from you. Getting started is easy, just fill in the information below, but first, review our guidelines.

Submit your story to Mental Health Real Talk

We appreciate you contributing to Mental Health Real Talk. We hope to publish your story. Please be sure to read our Guidelines and FAQs, before submitting your story.

What best describes who you are?*

What specific condition is your story about?*

Is this breaking news or related to an upcoming event/holiday?*

*NOTE: checking yes doesn’t mean your story will be published

Did a Mental Health Real Talk Partner recommend you to write this story?*

If yes: Note: By choosing an Partner Association, your story will appear on that Partner's profile page, once approved.

Partner Association *

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Your Story Title*

Note: Editorial retains the right to modify your suggested title

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0 of 80

Your Story*

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0 of 1800

The one thing I would tell others facing similar challenges

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0 of 400
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NOTE: If you choose to hide your name, no one can follow you or follow your submitted stories.

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